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César Emilio

Rodríguez Jiménez

Graduated from Valley Forge Military Academy in 1994, Licenciado César Emilio Rodríguez Jiménez graduates in the year 1998 from Law School of the University “Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM)”, in the city of Santo Domingo, where at the same time he subsequently courses the program of the Masters in Economic Legislation and Corporate Law. Between 1998 and 1999 undertook several superior studies in law and businesses in the Universities of McGill and Concordia in Montreal, Canada and Tulane University. In the year 2006, he obtained the title in “International Relations”, issued by the Institute of Superior Education in Diplomatic and Consular Formation “Dr. Eduardo Latorre Rodríguez” of the Ministry of Exterior Relations of the Dominican Republic (MIREX).

Worked for the legal firm “Headrick” and formed part of the first team of lawyers who entered the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Instituto Dominicano de Telecomunicaciones) (INDOTEL) between the years 2000 and 2001. Has participated in different legal seminars in the country and abroad, being part of outstanding works of investigation such as the “Foreign Investment in Cuba’’ published in 2014. He specializes in the design of corporate legal structures, mediation and negotiations, strategy management at local and transactional level, as well as the execution of real estate and real property operations in general. He has exercised in uninterrupted manner his private practice as lawyer from 2001, being Founder Partner and Manager of the firm “SinerLex Dominicana, Abogados Consultores”. Since 2018, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Banco Múltiple BDI. He dominates in perfection the Spanish and English languages.

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